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Friday, September 26, 2014

5 Summaries of Different Religions bc much ridiculousness, for why asdfghjkl;


Judaism originated far back a long time ago in the Middle East, founded by Moses. However many people say that their roots go farther back than that, all the way to Abraham. They had one covenant with God, and they spent years looking for the Promised Land. They found it and lived there in isolation, until the Romans saw, came, and conquered. Although peace was initially kept, as long as taxes were paid, the Jews soon came under persecution by the Roman government. They were exiled, and, after a failed revolt, they were banned. The religion of Christianity separated from Judaism.

Zoroastrianism is the world's oldest known monotheistic religion. It was founded by Zoroaster, a prophet who emphasized the battle between the two forces of good and evil. The god he believed in manifested itself in the force of goodness, and Zoroaster believed the good would always win. Although the religion was moderately popularity, it dwindled as time moved on, and today there are only a few Zoroastrian
Christianity is a religion that split from the original Judaism, the cause of the split being the birth of a baby boy name Jesus. Jesus was claimed by the Christians to be the Son of God, as well as the Messiah, or Savior. He was charismatic, and many people agreed with his ideas, causing a large following. The Jews didn't like what was going on, and they made a big fuss over it. The Romans, who feared an uprising, did what the angry people wanted, and Pilate condemned Jesus to his death. However, on the third day, some believe He resurrected. Afterwards, His apostles and disciples spread out across the earth to teach His message. Paul was the most successful apostle, reaching Gentiles and Jews. Persecution of the Christians stopped when Constantine converted to Christianity.
Buddhism was founded by a rich prince named Siddhartha Gautama who grew tired of his rich, luxurious life. The prince ran away and meditated under a tree until he reached enlightenment. He believed that the way out of suffering was to get rid of desire, and the way to live without desire was to live by the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. After his death, Buddhism spread. Two strains were established: one (Theravada Buddhism) was similar to the original teachings of the prince, and the other (Mahayana Buddhism) deified Siddhartha into a god named Buddha.
Hinduism was a Vedic religion that evolved into what it is today. It ran by the caste system, moksha, and karma. Karma was achieved by dharma, and the goal was to reach moksha and end reincarnation. It was a polytheistic religion, and the priests (Brahmins) were on top, with all the literacy powers. It is considered the oldest living religion in the world.

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