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Friday, November 7, 2014


                Mesoamerica was the area where the Olmecs, the Mayans, and the Aztecs lived, which is present day Mexico and Central America. Mesoamerica’s varying topography meant different, independently developed cultures, as well as different resources in the highlands, which had obsidian, which could be used for trade, and the coast, which had sea shells and feathers which were also used for trade. Mountains forced tribes to migrate from the north to the south. Goods, however, were difficult to move in Mesoamerica due to the fact that there are no navigable rivers.

                The Olmecs are credited with impressive monumental sculptures, ceremonial complexes, the first pyramids, which were central areas of ceremony, and influential sports, most notably ball games. The Olmec calendar system was also significant. There were two main calendars: the solar calendar, which included 365 days; and the lunar calendar, which included 260 days. These two coincided ever 53 years.

                The Mayan pyramids differed from the Olmec pyramids in that the Mayan pyramids were very steep and narrow. Significant amounts of Mayan history were lost because the writing was undecipherable and the ruins were overgrown with plant life.

                Aztecs were unique from other Mesoamericans in that they were the most successful expansionists, and they collected tribute from conquered people. This tribute system was used to get food and other resources from the conquered people to strengthen the capital. The Aztecs also practiced bloodletting. The Aztecs believed that the world had been created and destroyed four times before their existence. They believed that in the dark world, a god jumped into fire to create the world. However, he required sacrifice before he would make the sun and moon rise. Sacrifice of women differed from sacrifice of men. Women were not taken to the pyramid; rather, they danced at the bottom and were then beheaded. Men were taken to the pyramid and killed, with lots of blood and gory stuffzzzzzz.

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