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Tuesday, February 3, 2015



1. What was the impact of European population growth on industry?
European population growth caused industry to expand rapidly because a large amount of creative inventors appeared, and the agricultural system became extremely productive and wealthy.

2. What were the results of the first organization of workers?
The first organization of workers achieved higher wages and shorter work days--from a demand of 12 hour work days to one of 10 hour work days.
3. Why did industry reach the Netherlands so relatively late?
Industry reached the Netherlands late because it was covered in a large number of waterways and lacked a sufficient amount of natural resources. These problems made it difficult to build up heavy industry and to construct railroads.

4. How did Napoleon impact the development of industry in Belgium?
Napoleon affected Belgium's industry development in a positive way. He abolished old guilds and introduced freedom of trade.

5. Which industries developed in Belgium?  Why did those develop?
The textile industry boomed in Belgium because of a Briton who installed the first woolen spinning machine in the country, thus establishing the foundations for a textile boom. Canal building expanded because of the need for improvement in transportation. Railway building boomed as well.

6. How did infrastructure in Belgium improve?
The transportation system was greatly improved due to accelerated canal and railway building.

7. What characteristics in France discouraged industrial innovation?  
France lacked natural resources such as iron and coal, which was very scarce.     

8. How did French social structures dictate which industries developed?
The French aristocracy wanted furniture, porcelain, leather goods, and silk, so those were the industries that developed most.

9. Which industries developed in France late? Why did it happen late?
The coal mining industry developed late due to coal scarcities and a longstanding, heavy reliance on timber.

10. Why did industrial development occur late in Germany?
Germany was divided into a number of small states, and the traditional guild privileges had not been abolished.
11. What was the impact of the German Customs Union?
The German Customs Union abolished trade barriers between states.
12. In which industries did Germany become the leader in Europe?
Germany became the leader of mining, ironworks, steel, and railways industries.        

Great Britain:

13.  Which other industries developed because of the steam engine?
Textile, iron, coal, and railway industries expanded due to the development of the steam engine.

14. How did Luxembourg benefit from German industrialization?
Luxembourg entered the German Customs Union, and its transportation communications system was improved.
15. Why were they so successful at producing iron?
They were successful at producing iron because they developed an improved iron-producing process, called the Minette ore.

16. Was the Netherlands' economic success before industrialization something that helped industry develop or slowed development? Why?
The Netherlands' economic success before industrialization slowed development. This was because, since they were already successful, pre-mechanization, the sudden use of machines caused them to lose a lot of industries.

17. Which industries did develop in the Netherlands?
Textile mills, ironworks, coal, and steel developed in the Netherlands.

18. What were the earliest industries in Norway?
The earliest industry in Norway was fishing, and early small factories produced soap, bricks, glass, iron, and beer.
19. How did water power development change Norway's economy?
Water development enabled Norway to  have eleven water power stations, and industries thrived on the cheap, mass-produced energy.

20. What kinds of mining industries were successful in Spain? 
In Spain, iron, coal, cinnabar, mercury, copper, gold, silver, sulfur, and coal were successful mining industries.                   

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