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Monday, March 2, 2015

OMG AP History is Bad for America!!!!

               An Oklahoma state legislator wrote a bill, trying to ban AP US History, and this started a major national controversy. He is now rewriting it, but there is a high probability that it won't be the last word on this issue. Many critics of this AP class complain that it focuses too much on the negative side in America's history, and school boards want the class to promote American patriotism, instead of what they call "civil disorder." Besides those problems, there was also a major issue with "editing" history--in the new framework for the class, major events and historical figures, such as the Holocaust and George Washington, aren't mentioned at all. People have fired words such as "biased" and "inaccurate" about the new framework, regarding as to whether or not high schoolers should be given this curriculum of history.
               However, despite all of this negativity, there are still supporters of the new framework. Historians have risen to its defense, arguing that it better reflects America's "complex, unsettling, provocative and compelling" history--history in its most honest form. People also argue that the curriculum does not promote disobedience to the law, as it would be detrimental to the actual teaching of subjects such as the American Revolution. and the Civil Rights Movement. I think that the AP US History class should be taught accurately to history, and that it doesn't matter if the U.S. is painted in a good or bad light. After all, history is history, and if that's how history made a certain issue, nation, or person look, then that's how it should be.

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